Teaching Children Effectively (TCE) Level One
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Divorce, death, abuse, alcohol, drugs, bullying, anger. A world in chaos creating hopelessness, confusion, fear and loneliness!
You have a significant part in reaching children with the message of hope.
TCE is a 30-hour course that will equip you to effectively teach and evangelize children in your world, while there is still time.
Interested in a Local Course?
Contact us and let us know. Local courses cost $125.00 and can be held in a variety of times and places.
Interested in an Online Course?
The next online TCE 1 course begins registration soon. Enrolling in TCE Level 1 requires application and acceptance to the Children’s Ministries Institute as well as a user account at the CMI Online Training site.
- FIRST, you must have CMI Online “Login User Name” and your own password. Register for one now!
- THEN, apply to CMI. (Applicants must be high school graduates eighteen years of age or above.)
- Once you’re accepted to CMI Online, then choose the open TCE 1 course.